英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:50:41
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1. the production of large quantities of a standardized article (often using assembly line techniques)

1. (尤指用机器进行的)批量生产,大量生产
Mass production is the production of something in large quantities, especially by machine.

e.g. ...equipment that would allow the mass production of baby food.

1. 大批量生产:自从福特公司在1908年推出T型车开始,大批量生产(Mass Production)模式开始逐步成为一战、二战时期以及随后的全球经济发展的主流,它通过纵向一体化的产业整合以及标准化的工作节拍,保证了稳定的质量、低廉的成本,在短缺经济时代创造了巨大的经济和社会价值.

Modern mass production was born!(现代批量生产生成了!)
Mass production was the result, not the cause of his low prices.(批量生产是结果,而不是低价的缘起。)
As mass production techniques were refined in the 19th century, the price of pianos dropped to the point that a larger proportion of the population could afford to own them.(随着19世纪大规模生产技术的改进,钢琴的价格下降到更多人都买得起的程度。)
The increasing efficiency reflects the advantages of mass production.(效率一直呈上升的趋势反应了规模生产的优势。)
However, these costs are expected to decrease considerably as mass production increases.(但是,如果产量增加,则可显著降低这些成本。)
Commodities such as automobiles are engineered for mass production.(像汽车这样的日用品是针对大批量生产而设计的。)
Our checks indicate mass production started in February, but volumes are modest.(我们的检查显示,量产始于2月份,不过产量不算太大。)
And it's a matter of perspective - it depends how you use industrial mass production.(这也跟看问题的角度有关——取决于你如何利用大规模工业化生产。)
How could be a valuable object in age of mass production?(在大规模生产的年代,这该是一个多么珍贵的物品!)
With new technological advances and mass production, projected cost declines should make wind power one of the world's cheapest ways to produce electricity.(随着新的技术进步和大规模生产,预计成本的下降将使风力发电成为世界上最便宜的发电方式之一。)
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